New User Registration

In order to access the Scania Technical Information Site (TIS) we ask you to first register your company and contact information with us.

We would also like you to indicate your company's area of business (function) in order for us to better understand the type of technical information you might require. After reviewing your registered information, which may take 1-2 weeks, we will grant you access to Scania TIS as soon as possible. Your email address will then be used for confirmations and information sent by us, and will become your User Name when logging in to Scania TIS.

All fields marked with (*) are mandatory

Please enter customer information

The password must must be at least 12 characters long including at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one numerical character and one special character from @$!%*?&
Confirm Password*:
FirstName *:
LastName *:
VAT Number*:

Example: 999999999999,SE9999999999
Company Address:
Line 1*:
Line 2:
Zip/Postal Code*:

SERMI Access:

User who want to access to buy SERMI product the registration fee is 250 EUR.
For RMI products excluding SERMI the fee is 200 EUR.
Registration fee is NOT refunded if application is rejected or approved.
Telephone Number*:

Example: (00467644XXXXX)
We do not have a Web URL
Web URL:
Details concerning specific RMI requests:
Not more that 250 characters
I have read and agreed to Storing personal information
I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions
You can request the deletion of your personal data that we have stored by sending a email to
note: your data will be erased from our system and you will be unable to log in.